Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Patriot Games

I've been thinking about Memorial Day because I had to put in my request to attend graduation last week--USNA graduation is right after Memorial Day weekend and we had to declare intent this year so the Secret Service can check us out as we'll have a "Very Special Graduation Speaker" (wink wink, nudge nudge).  You would think the Secret Service could just look at the (very comprehensive) background check the DOD did on all of the faculty to figure out that none of us are threats, but I guess not.  Anyway, digression over.

Memorial Day is one of my favorite holidays because it is a chance to be patriotic without all of the loud noises and bright lights of the 4th of July.  Don't get me wrong, love the 4th, but sometimes an understated holiday is just right.  Particularly if that understated holiday is also the unofficial start of summer.

I made an Etsy treasury of some Memorial Day decor--obviously it would also be appropriate for July 4th, Labor Day, and all summer long.  Heck, there's never a WRONG time to deck the halls with Americana, in my opinion.  Patriotism: always in season.

Here is the whole treasury.

And here are some of my very favorite favorites!

Did I buy CJ and I matching sets (necklace and the unpictured bracelet)?  YES.  Purchased prior to Shop-Your-Closet-May so I'm not cheating.

Loving the subway art style of wall hangings.  And of course the message.

Terrible at remembering a reusable mug but usually manage to remember a coffee sleeve--what better way to be a patriot than to save the earth for the next generation?

Great hostess gift for a Memorial Day BBQ--and they cost under $8 with shipping!

It's sort of small which makes it a great subtle decoration--of course, with the glitter, not TOO subtle...

Lots more at the treasury itself, go check it out!

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